Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I'm so nervous for my grades to come in.  I know there's nothing I can do but I just get so freaked out because it might mean spending more time groveling to get into law school.  But... it's nice to know I get to relax for a bit.  I get to spend the summer not worried about next semester and the next classes.  Next tuition payments.  I think it will all really hit when I don't go back to school in the fall.  For now. (As I promised and because I've been behind on these posts).  It's hard to post daily but I'm going to do my best.

And now... graduation! (There will be more once people finish posting them!)

 My Friend Alicia and I in front of the Kohl Center.
 On Bascom Hill with photo ops. 
 Big Union Chair. I look like I'm a five year old. 

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