Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have two jobs right now.

One which I hate.
And One which I really actually enjoy.

Job 1: Why I hate
A. Because I hate getting yelled at by people.
B. Because I feel like it's kinda point less
C. Because I can't do homework.
D. Because some of the people (especially some of the SLs are dumb and mean)

Job2:Pros and Cons
A. Social atmosphere and people can sit and talk to me or I can be online
B. I get to listen to music/Do Homework
C. Right now it's just extra money for doing homework

A. I don't make enough/can't get enough hours at this job to quit my other job
B. My schedule is set and it's a pain in the ass to get others to take hours for me.
C. Others who work there kinda suck at life sometimes

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