Monday, February 22, 2010

A lot to talk about

First, I'm annoyed by the key desk.  

People don't show up for their shifts.  And no one wants to take anyone else's shifts either.  Keys have gone missing.  Because no one is at the desk.  And everyone is crabby.  
It's a bad situation to be in.  There needs to be more managing.  Unfortunately that won't happen and therefor people will just be mad and cranky and things won't work out.  It's stupid.  

Responsibility.  Work Ethic.  It's not rocket science but people should DO THEIR JOB!

I have no idea why they haven't been fired.  It's like 3 people who just suck and don't take responsibility.  

I couldn't get someone to take my shift I still showed up.  That's how it works. 

In other news:

1. I got promoted at my other job to Shift Leader. YAY! It'll be awesome.  And if it's not at least it's a 50 cent pay raise and a guaranteed 40 hours a week in the summer. 

2. I was in Texas and I had an awesome time.  
             I love Heather and her friends were very nice.  I got to see Aaron, also good.  And then I saw Kirsten and Josh.  And by saw, I mean I helped them move into their new house.  It's very cute.  Small but cute.  SMU was awesome. I still want to live in Texas and go to school their so that's all awesome.  

And now I'm back at school and I need to study French (cause I'm super bad at it and I have to get better than a C) and do tons of other homework and reading.  It's going to be a fun week yet again.  Next weekend=not going anywhere except the library.  

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