Monday, October 4, 2010


Europe: I have about 12% of my total Europe fund saved.  Which doesn't include my credit card which I want paid off before I leave. It's very exciting.  Also, I've been getting Samantha Brown Passport to Europe DVDs.  This month Christy, Steph and I are going to evaluate all the things we want to do and make our permanent list of places.  The wiki hasn't been touched in about two months but when we get an actual itinerary it will be much better. I already keep dreaming of what we are going to do and see and I am over the top excited about it.  

On top of all the Europe planning I have my applications to law schools coming together nicely.  It's been a lot of slow work because I have transcripts from so many different schools and I can't remember what my GPA is from the U of M nor do I remember any of my login info for the U of M.  My goal this weekend is to turn out another draft of my personal statement and nail down my letters of recommendation.  

I've paid all my fees. (Gulp).  And I have filled out a majority of the applications.  I hate them so much it makes me cry a little.  But carry on and soldier forth and all that rot.  (Look I'm using British colloquialisms).  

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