Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This is a news story that I just learned about on NPR.
There is a super bowl ad which CBS is going to run which features Tim Tebow (FL quarterback) and his mother.  The story goes that his mom was in the Phillipines while she was pregnant with Tim.  She got sick and the Dr.s suggested that she abort because of the possible complications with the baby.  She decided not to abort.  This (obviously) turned out well in her situation where she decided against the abortion.  Unfortunately the story is going to be run by a right to life group which opposes abortions.


I have the choice under Roe v. Wade and other subsequent cases (Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Stenberg v. Carhart, Gonzales v. Carhart) to decide to keep or to decide to abort my baby the first period of gestation (which has changed over time with further medical emergences) and beyond that with stipulations for health issues for the woman and the child.

Mrs. Tebow had a choice.

What Focus on the Family wants to do is take away that choice.  They want to tell a woman making a ridiculously hard decision that if she aborts she will lose a Heisman Trophy winner.  Or... what the ad doesn't say is that she could die.  Leaving behind four other children and a husband.  (As could have been the case of Pam Tebow).  But that should be her own personal choice and she will have to live with it.

I don't care if you don't get an abortion and you want to keep the child.  That is your prerogative and right as a woman and as a citizen.  I don't care if you do.  I just know that not allowing a woman control over her own body and reproductive rights is something that should not be allowed.  Soap Box rant over.    

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