Monday, September 28, 2009

The World

The world is an unfair place.  I hate this about the world.  There is no karma.  Bad people do bad things and usually they get away with it.

I'm not entirely sure why good people do good things, lead good lives and get shit on usually by things.  Where as bad people do bad/really bad things and usually go unpunished.


This is partly why I believe in a legal system.  Justice.  But does it work when a girl is raped and her past sexual experiences are then drug up in order to discredit a legitimate rape?  I hope that I don't become jaded, I hope that I pursue the moral high ground in the face of these bad people... I hope I can.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Textbook or Erotica?

Sometimes reading my women's health book is.... distracting.

Others it's infuriating.

Right now is more of the first... Damn sex health articles on orgasms.  I swear this book is actually erotica disguised as a textbook.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Sometimes I feel crazy.

I do know that I'm being unreasonable/crazy/hormonal/emotional. I can't help it. It's that time of the month i.e. crazy Jessica.

I'm not sure why. Whatever.

I miss my high school friends very much. I've been reading Becky's blog as of late and that makes me miss her even more. I should have done a better job of keeping in touch with people. I should have written letters or sent postcards or whatever.

That is my September resolution.

I refuse

I refuse to play stupid La Vida at my wedding... Gah am I sick of that song.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So all my well thought out plans to graduate a semester early are being questioned.

1. I lose my parents insurance (although we might be able to fudge this a bit to keep me good
till law school)
2. A job
unfortunately I don't know if I'd be able to keep working at the survey center and work enough to pay my rent, etc.
3. I'd have to take one summer course
Unfortunately some of my River Falls credits didn't transfer in as actual classes here. So I am behind in some of the Gen Ed Requirements
4. I could use my summer to do an unpaid internship
This goes with my above part, if I take a summer class an internship would be more difficult.
5. I can't start law school till Fall anyway...
6. Loan money

Ah how I hate thee world... I swear sometimes you are against me for a good laugh.

Next update: I will be discussing my law school choices and all of the hoops I must get to jumping through.

On another sad note, a boy I think is a total tool (who's parents pay for everything and has way too much good luck to be reasonable) was just basically accepted to a law school without having taken his LSAT. Why do people like that exist? Is it just to make me feel bad about my inadequacy?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Strategy of Conflict

I'm learning about the strategy of conflict from a most dry and horrid book. I'm supposed to read 150 pages by tomorrow and that isn't going to happen but I still decided I needed to stop and write this.


We must deter those countries which feel it is necessary to create weapons of mass destruction.

We must deter North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc... from creating nuclear arms.

And yet we have nuclear warheads.

"Do as I say not as I do"

This makes no sense. Especially in the sense of nuclear weapons which destroy massive amounts of living organisms and the results of the only attack from said nuclear weapons is still permeating Japanese people today.

If North Korea launches a nuclear bomb at... oh lets say New York. New York will be destroyed. I'm sure the next thought will be lets launch our own at North Korea.

What does this accomplish?

It isn't a deterrent for us to have a nuclear bomb. People will still make them because our threat is only to send ours at them. Then what?

There's still talk that the U.S. committed a war crime by hitting Japan with nuclear weapons. So we wouldn't make that mistake again.

So why have them?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Amendment

I'm going to be writing a lot of thoughts from my First Amendment class from now on.

I so enjoy constitutional law. The bases of all our laws comes from the constitution. At least they should.

Right now, I'm struggling with one of the books we have to finish by next week. I'm trying to be objective because that's what I'll need to do when I'm a lawyer and in law. It is not about emotions and convictions but rather about upholding and acting according to the law.

When should speech be subjected to limits?

In Schenck v. United States, Holmes makes the distinction that 'clear and present danger' is the rule of thumb in speech which could incite actions.

-But Schenck's actions were not nearly as harmful as Holmes wants us to believe. Though he said that any means necessary should be used to stop the recruitment and drafting of U.S. citizens for war, most of what Schenck called for was constitutionally covered as a right to protest.

Granted the case was from 1919 and Brandenburg called for "imminent lawless action" where circumstances were narrowed and really Schenck is not as important as it once was but "clear and present danger" and the analogy of yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre is still referenced in recent cases.